Thursday, 21 July 2011, 11:00, Hall 1
4th session of the Assembly of the Republicof Macedonia
2nd continuation of the Session from 19.07.2011
6. Annual Report on the Work of the Postal Agency for 2010
7. Annual Report on the Work of the Directorate for Protection ofPersonal Data for 2010
8. Annual Report on the Work of the Broadcasting Council of the Republicof Macedonia for 2010
9. Annual Financial Plan of the Broadcasting Council of the Republic ofMacedonia for 2011
10. Annual Report of the State Committee of Pleas on Public Procurementsfor 2010
11. Annual Report of the Agency for Regulation of the Railway Sector for2010
12. Report for the Realization of the Annual Program on Operation andDevelopment of the Agency for Regulation of the Railway Sector for 2010
13. Draft-decision on Approval of the Annual Working Program onOperation and Development of the Agency for Regulation of the Railway Sectorfor 2011
14. Draft-decision on Approval of the Annual Financial Plan of theAgency for Regulation of the Railway Sector for 2011
15. Annual Financial Report of the Agency for Civil Aviation for theperiod from 15 October to 31 December 2010
16. Annual Report on the Work of the State Committee on Prevention ofCorruption for 2010
17. Report on the Financials of the Public Company Macedonian Radio andTelevision for 2010
18. Financial Plan on Regular Operation of the Public Company MacedonianRadio and Television for 2011
19. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment Activitiesof the Radio Programs for the Neighbouring Countries and Europe in Foreignlanguages for 2011
20. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment Activitiesof the Radio Programs for Information of the Macedonian Citizens who live inthe Neighbouring Countries, Europe and other Continents in Macedonian and inthe Language Spoken by at least 20% of the citizens different from theMacedonian Language and other non-majority communities for 2011
21. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment Activitiesof the Radio Program Servise via Satelite for the Macedonian Citizens who livein the Neighbouring Countries, Europe and other Continents in Macedonian and inthe Language Spoken by at least 20% of the citizens different from the MacedonianLanguage and other non-majority communities for 2011
22. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment Activitiesof the Television Program Service via Satellite for the Macedonian Citizens wholive in the Neighbouring Countries, Europe and other Continents in Macedonianand in the Language Spoken by at least 20% of the citizens different from theMacedonian Language and other non-majority communities for 2011
23. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment Activitiesof the Second Television Program Service via Satellite for the MacedonianCitizens who live in the Neighbouring Countries, Europe and other Continents inMacedonian and in the Language Spoken by at least 20% of the citizens differentfrom the Macedonian Language and other non-majority communities for 2011
24. Draft-decision on approval of the Financial Plan of the PublicCompany Macedonian Radio and Television for Regular and Investment ActivitiesBroadcasting the Activities of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for2011;