
Thursday, 29 July 2010, 14:00, Hall3 



1. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision on Nomination of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Members and Deputy Members of the Committees in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

2. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision Nomination of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Members and Deputy Members of the Committee on Elections and Appointment Issues in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

3. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision the Constitution of the Budgetary Council  in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

4. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision Nomination of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Members and Deputy Members of the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the Parliamentary Committee  on Stabilization and Association

5. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision Establishing MP Groups in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on Cooperation with Parliaments of Other Countries

6. Request for Appanage after the termination of the Office of Three former Members of the Broadcasting council

7. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision on Appointment of Members of the Inter-Community Relations Committee

8. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision on Appointment of Chairman and Members of the Agency for Civil Aviation 

9. Stipulation of Draft-Decision Amending the Decision on Appointment of Members of the  State Council for Prevention of Juvenile Offence 

10. Stipulation of Draft-Decision on Election of Director of the Direction on Protection of Personal Data

11. Stipulation of Draft-Decision on Election of Chairman and Members of the Committee on Verification of the Mandates

12. Stipulation of Draft-Decision on Election of a Members of the Council of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, elected among the Vice Governors

13. Stipulation of Decision on Quotient on Salaries of the Chairman and the Members f the Regulatory Committee on Housing

14. Stipulation of Decision on Quotient on Salaries of the Members of the Committee on Free Access to Public Information
