
Tuesday, 28th July 2009, 12 p.m. Hall 1



1. Proposal on election of Members of the Judicial Couincil of the Republic of Macedonia  

2.  Draft-Law on Ratification of the International Convention on Protection of the New Herbal Species;

3. Draft-Law on Ratification of the Annex on Amending the Annex 1 of the Multilateral Friday, 24th July 2009, Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, The Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Republic of Bulgaria, The Republic of Croatia, The Republic of Macedonia, The Republic of Iceland, Monte Negro, The Kingdom of Norway, The Republic of Serbia, The Mission of UN on Temporary Administration of Kosovo on Establishing the Joint Aircraft Area.;

4. Draft-law on Ratification of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community on the participation of the Republic of Macedonia in „Fiscalis 2013“Program;

5. Draft-law on of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community on the participation of the Republic of Macedonia in „Customs 2013“Program;

6. Draft-Law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of India on Abolishment of the Visa Regime for the barriers of the Diplomatic Passports;

 7. Draft-Law on Amending the Law on Public Roads (first reading);  

8. Draft-law on Amending the Law  on Transport in the Public Traffic (first reading);

9.  Draft-Law on Amending the Criminal Code (first reading);

10. Draft-Law on Amending the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests (first reading)

11. Draft-Law on Amending the Law on the Ombudsman (first reading);

12. Draft-law on Amending the Law on Mediation (first reading);

13.  Draft-Law on Judiciary Tariffs (first reading);

14. Darft-Law on Amending the Law on Working Relations I (first reading)  

15. Draft-Law with amendments on Amending the Law on Protection of the Citizens from Infectious Diseases. (second reading) 

16. Draft-Law on Amewnding the Law on Financing the Political Parties (second reading) 

17. Draft-Law on Amending the Law on Trade (second reading)

18. Draft-law with amendments on the Law on the Employment of Disabled Personae (second reading)  

19. Draft-Law on Amending the Law on University Education (second reading) 

20. Draft-Law with amendments on Amending the Law on Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Education (second reading)   

21. Amended Draft-Law on Housing (second reading) 

22. Draft-Law on Incurring the republic of Macedonia with a Loan in the International Bank on Restoration and Development- World bank according to the Agreement o Conditioned Financial Transfers, shortened procedure
