Friday, 31 july 2009

€63 million from European Commission for research projects for Africa’s help

The European Commission launched a call for proposals entirely dedicated to research for Africa. Africa continues to face serious challenges to sustain its development and research can develop solutions. Up to €63 million will be allocated to research projects in 2010 aiming to improve health conditions, and water and food security in Africa.

Thursday, 30Th July 2009

European Commission adopt Report for eradicate discrimination

EU legislation has benefited workers through broader protection against discrimination based on gender and clearer definitions of discrimination, says a European Commission report adopted yesterday. The report identifies the main problems and good practices in implementing the Directive 2002/73/EC, which aims to promote equal treatment for men and women in access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions.

Wednesday, 29th July, 2009, Goteborg

Conference on the creativity and cultural habits of children and young people

On 29-30 July, 350 experts and participants from across the EU will meet in Goteborg for a conference on the creativity and cultural habits of children and young people. The conference is taking place within the context of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation.

Thursday, 23rd July, 2009

European Commission with new measures to combat the crisis

The European Commission adopted new measures aimed at simplifying management rules for the Cohesion Policy. In the context of the current crisis, the aim is to boost the European economy by improving the conditions for launching more projects in the regions. As part of the measures to combat the crisis, the Commission may reimburse 100% of the costs declared by the Member States for projects financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) in 2009 and 2010.

Wednesday, 22nd July 2009

Sweden's Foreign Affairs Minister made a coment about visa exemptions, Cyprus question, Iceland's membership application and situacion in Iran and Honduras

At the meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, Sweden's Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Bildt presents the Swedish Presidency. He said that citizens of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro will be able to travel freely in the Schengen area from 1 January 2010 and made a coment about decision to exclude Bosnia-Herzegovina from a plan to waive visa requirements.

Tuesday, 21 july 2009

The European Commission allocates €70 million for key investment projects in the EU’s Neighbourhood

The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF), a key instrument of the intensified European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), will benefit in 2009 from a €70 million contribution by the European Commission. These resources will allow neighbouring partner countries to leverage increased funding for major investment projects in areas such as energy, transport and environment, and also SME development and the social sector.

Tuesday, 21 july 2009

European Parliament's committees complete elections of chairs and vice-chairs

The inaugural meetings of the European Parliament's committees were completed yesterday with the eight remaining committees and the two subcommittees electing their chairs and vice-chairs for the next 2,5 years.

Friday, 17 july 2009

MEPs say no to violence in Iran, China and Honduras

Condemnation of violence was the common thread across three debates the EP held Wednesday afternoon. MEPs discussed the violence in Iran after presidential elections, ethnic clashes in China and coup d'état in Honduras.

Monday, 6 july 2009

Microfinance for Europe's unemployed

EU proposes microfinance facility to encourage the unemployed to start their own businesses. The commission is proposing microfinancing to provide people who have lost their jobs with small loans to start their own businesses and help existing companies expand. The proposal is spelled out in the action plan for jobs.

Monday, 6 july 2009, Strasbourg

Summer University for Democracy

The topic of the 4th Summer University for Democracy, organised by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union, the French Government and the local authorities of Alsace and Strasbourg, is „Global challenges to democracy“.
