Thursday, 10 June 2010, 11:00, Hall 4
1. Draft-law Amending the Law on Medicaments and Medicine Devices- II reading
2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Sanitary Inspection- II reading
3. Draft-law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia with a Loan from the European Investment Bank upon the Agreement on Loan for the “ Water Supply and Waste Waters Treatment ” – II reading
4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Premium Tax- II reading
5. Statute of the University of ICT Science and Technologies “ St. Apostle Pavle” Ohrid
6. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 107 from the Law on Author’s Rights and Neighbouring Rights,, submitted by Mr. Vasko Shutarov, MP
7. Draft-law Amending the Law on Employment and Insurance in Cases of Unemployment- II reading
8. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 23, paragraph 1 from the Law Amending the Law on Transport in the Public Traffic submitted by Ms. Nadica Tancheva Tulieva, MP
9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Cleanness- II reading
10. Draft-law on Ratification of the Convention for Procedure on Pr-Approval of Dangerous Chemicals and pesticides the International Trade
11. Draft-law Amending the Law on Value Added Tax- I reading
12. Draft-law Amending the Law on Livestocking - I reading
13. Draft-law Amending the Law on Pastures- I reading
14. Draft-law Amending the Law on Agriculture Activities- I reading
15. Draft-law Amending the Law on Primary Education- I reading
16. Draft-law Amending the Law on Secondary Education- I reading
17.Draft-law Amending the Law on Libraries- I reading
18.Draft-law Amending the Law on Museums- I reading
19. Draft-law Amending the Law on the Use of Macedonian Language- I reading
20. Draft-law Amending the Law on Culture- I reading