
Friday, 25 June 2010, 11:00, Hall 4 



1. Draft-law on Authors’ Right and Neighbouring Rights- I reading

4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Civil Procedure- I reading

5. Draft-law on Material Compensation of Unemployed People as a result of the Privatisation with Social and State Ownership- I reading
Submitted by the MPs: Stanka Anastasova, Mile Andonov, Vesna Bendevska, Vlado Buchkovski, Slavica Grkovska Loshkova, Mende Dinevski, Cvetanka Ivanova, Igor Ivanovski, Jani Makraduli, Goran Minchev, Marjancho Nikolov, Andrej Petrov, Emilijan Stankovik, Goran Sugarevski, Marinela Tusheva, Nikola Kjurkchiev, Tome Chingovski, Radmila Shekerinska, Jankovska, Flora Kadriu, Imer Selmani, Abedin Zumberi, Sulejman Rushiti, Tito Petkovski, Sonja Mirakovska, Stojan Andov, Gjorgji Orovchanec, Goran Misovski

6. Draft-law Amending the Law on Value Added Tax- I reading

9. Draft- law Amending the Law on Secondary Education- II reading

13. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 128, paragraph 6 from the Law on Primary Education

14. Draft-law Amending the Law on Incomes from Obligatory Social Insurance- I reading
Submitted By the MPs: Tito Petkovski Stojan Andov, Gjorgji Orovchanec, Sonja Mirakovska, Goran Misovski

17. Draft-law Amending the Law on Primary Education – II reading

18. Draft-law on European Community- I reading

19. Draft-law Amending the Law on Trade- I reading

20. Draft-law Amending the Law on  Caterer Activities- I reading

21. Draft-law Amending the Law on Craftsman Activities- I reading

22. Draft-law Establishing the National Agency on Nuclear Technologies of the Republic of Macedonia – I reading

23. Request for Authentic Interpretation of the Law on Referendum and Other types of Direct Expression of thee Citizens

24. Request for Authentic Interpretation of the Article 199, paragraph 1 from the Law on Bankruptcy

25. Draft-law Amending the Law on High Education- I reading
