Tuesday, 29 June 2010
The Committee on Culture from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on its 15th Meeting, held on 28 June 2010, as a competent working body, reviewed the Draft-law on Authors’ Rights and Neighbouring Rights- I reading.
Ms. Elizabeta Kanceska Milevska, Minister on Culture, attended the meeting as a Representative from the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
The Minister on Culture underlined that this Draft-law is harmonised with all directives of the European Union, Conventions, international agreements and other acts. She underlined that the draft-text entirely and systematically harmonises institutions, models in accordance with the national legislation and foreign experience, precise definitions, solutions and terminology in the area of modernization and harmonization of the text. The need of adoption of this law arises from certain problems in the application of the previous law.
In the end, the Committee adopted the following conclusion:
• The Committee on Culture reviewed the Draft-law on Authors’ Rights and Neighbouring Rights- I reading and decided that it is acceptable and that it should proceed in further reading