Friday, 25 June 2010
The National European Integration Council was debating on the European Integration of the Republic of Macedonia after the Meeting of the European Council on 17 June 2010.
The Vice-Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on European Issues, Mr. Vasko Naumovski underlined that the enlargement process of the European Union will remain on the agenda of the next Belgium Presidency. This process continues and this means that the European doors will remain open for the new Member States, including the Republic of Macedonia. After the Meeting of the European Council on 17 June 2010, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia continues to fulfil the criteria for EU membership. The Strategic goal of the Government and all social factors remains the same- the highest priority for the Republic of Macedonia is the EU membership. The Republic of Macedonia remains interested to find a solution for the name issue of the country which will not harm the national interests.
Mr Antonio Miloshoski, Minister on Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, underlined that on the last meeting of the European Council the Republic of Macedonia, as a candidate state, was fully prepared, in administrative and in political since, to receive a date on opening accession negotiations with EU, which was verified in the last Progress Report of the European Commission. The next Meeting of the Council on Stabilization and Association, which will be held on 20 July 2010, will once again confirm the reform efforts of the Republic of Macedonia to promote the dialogue and to increase the motivation of the society, of all political and institutional entities to continue the European Integration of the Country. The unfavourable decision is not a result of the lack of Macedonian contribution in the reforms, but a result of the lack of preparedness by a Member State of EU which was not prepared to provide constructive contribution in the achievement of consensus, needed for the Republic of Macedonia to receive a politically verified decision to open the accession negotiations with EU.
H.E. Hose Manuel Paz Agueras, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Macedonia addressed on this Meeting. He expressed his full support for the European integration of the Republic of Macedonia and expressed hope for accession in the European Union in near future.
Ms. Radmila Shekerinska, Chairman of the National European Integration Council, Ms. Silvana Boneva, Vice-Chairman of the National European Integration Council , Ms Flora Kadriu Mr. Tit Petkovski, Mr. Petar Pop Arsov and Mr. Xhevad Ademi, MPs and Members of the National European Integration Council , Mr. Dimitar Minchev, Member of the Council and representative from the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia and Mr. Zivko Mitrevski, representative from the Association of Syndicates of the Republic of Macedonia participated in the debate with their remarks and opinions.