Tuesday, 1 June 2010, Madrid
COSAC supports enlargement of the EU
Mr. Petar Pop- Aprsov attended the Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union COSAC held yesterday and today in Madrid, in the framework o the 6 moths Spanish Chairmanship with EU. The debate was focused on issues regarding the realization of the Spanish priorities and above all the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in the area of the institutional functioning of the European institutions, as well as the present economic crisis in the European Union.
Many aspects of the functioning of the European Union were reviewed, mainly from in the context of the future role of COSAC Conferences from the aspect of the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality regarding the EU legislative.
The Prime Minister of Spain, the President of the Congress of Deputies and the State Secretary on European Issues addressed before the Conference.
Mr. Per Westerberg Presented the conclusions adopted in 14 and 15 May during the Conference of Speakers form the EU Countries held in Stockholm, on which the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski attended.
These conclusions provide guidelines for the functioning of the Union in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty, and the importance of the contacts and increased communication between the EC and the national parliaments through on time submit ion of Annual program on the Work of the Commission to the Parliaments was underlined.
At the end of the Conference, the adopted conclusions support the process of enlarges net of EU with new Member states. In this direction COSAC calls on progress in the negotiations with the candidate states in accordance with the established criteria in this area, which means accomplishment of the Copenhagen criteria.
During the Conference, the Chairman of the Committee on European Issues, Mr. Petar Pop Arsov had meetings with the Presidents and Members of the Committees on European Issues from the members States of EU and from the candidate states.