On the basis of Article 68 Paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, at its session held on 4 February 1998, adopted the


on the Development of Relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union

Starting from the fundamental values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia,
Expressing the firm determination of the Republic of Macedonia to share the common European future, based on common values and goals,
Confirming the commitment of the Republic of Macedonia to the principles of market economy and to constructing democratic society based on the respect for human rights, as well as confirming the readiness to meet the criteria for accession to the Union, stipulated by the European Council of Copenhagen in 1993,
Welcoming the entering into force of the Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community, as a significant step in regulating the relations with the European Union on the agreement basis, and stressing the need to implement it efficiently,

The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

1. Underlines that the membership in the European Union is a strategic goal of the Republic of Macedonia.

2. Emphasises the readiness to raise the level of relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union by concluding a European Agreement for associated membership, based on consistent implementation of the criteria of the 1993 Copenhagen European Council and with individual assessment of the accomplishments of the Republic of Macedonia in the process.

3. Confirms the determination to promote the relations with the neighbouring countries through dialogue, providing essential contribution both to the stability of the region and to the promotion of the relations with the European Union.

4. Stresses the determination to observe the international and European standards on human rights, civil freedoms and national equality and, in this context, the commitment to permanent cohabitation between the Macedonian people and the nationalities living in the Republic of Macedonia.

5. Underlines the determination of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to dynamize the process of harmonisation of the Macedonian legislation with the legislation of the Union.

6. Particularly advocates transparency in the decision-making process on the relations and further co-operation with the European Union and promotion of the public opinion and public awareness in that regard.

7. Stresses the importance of mutual information between the organs of the legislative and executive power in the Republic of Macedonia concerning the process of approximation to the Union.

8. Emphasises the readiness of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to strengthen the cooperation with the European Parliament by continuing the meetings of the delegations from the two parliaments, by setting up a joint parliamentary committee with the European Parliament and using other forms of co-operation.

9. Particularly stresses the need of continuing endeavours of the delegations and representatives of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the international activity of the Assembly with the aim of affirming the determination to be integrated with the European Union.

10. Estimates that there is a need to set up a co-ordinating working body on the Assembly's activities regarding the Euro-Atlantic integration processes.

11. This declaration will be published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia".


no.07-460/1                       PRESIDENT OF THE ASSEMBLY
4 February, 1998                 THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA,
Skopje                                           Tito Petkovski
