
Monday, 15 March 2010, 11:00, Hall 4

40th Meeting of the Committee on Transport, Communications and Environment


1. Draft-law Amending the Law on Housing- I reading 

2.  Draft-law on Railway system- II reading 

3.  Draft-law on Security in the Railway System- II reading 

4.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Living Environment- II reading 

5. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities on the TV program service for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010. 

6.  Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities on the radio programs intended for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010.   

7. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities on the radio programs intended to inform the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010.  

8. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities of second TV programme service through satellite intended for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Albanian language 2010. 

9. Draft-decision on Approval of Financial Plan for regular and Investment Activities of the Assembly’s Channel for 2010 

10. Draft-decision on Approval of Financial Plan of Regular and Investment Activities for the Radio Programmes intended for the neighbouring countries and Europe in foreign languages for 2010 

11. Draft- decision on Approval of Annual Financial Plan of the Agency for Regulation the Market of Railway Services in the Republic of Macedonia for 2010 . 
