
Wednesday, 24 March 2010, 11:00, Hall 1  

98th Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  

First continuation of the Session from 23.03.2010


6.   Draft-law on Safety of Food (first reading);

7.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of Food for Animals (first reading);

13. Draft-law Establishing the Agency for Foreign Investments and Promotion of Export of the republic of Macedonia (first reading).

14. Draft-law Amending the law on Housing (first reading)

15 Draft-law on Prevention and  Protection from Discrimination (first reading);
Submitted by MPs Stojan Andonov, Jovan Manasijevski, Radmilla Shekerinska, Sonja Mirakovska, Sulejman Rushiti, Gjorgji Orovchanec, Jani Makraduli, Tito Petkovski, Flora Kadriu, Cvetanka Ivanova, Goran Misovski, Igor Ivanovski, Stanka Anastasova, Mende Dinevski, Andrej Zernovski, Tome Chingovski, Vlado Buchkovski, Nikolla Kjurkchiev, Roza Topuzova Karevska, Marijancho Nikollov, Mile Andonov, Andrej Petrov, Emiljan Stankovikj, Goran Sugareski, Goran Minchev, Marinela Tusheva and Slavica Grkovska Lloshkova;

16. Draft-law on Labour Relations, shortened procedure,
Submitted by the MPs: Olivera Trajanovska, Vesela Chestoeva

17. Financial Plan of the Agency for Insurance Oversight in the Republic of Macedonia  for 2010 

18. Draft-decision on Approval of the Annual Program for Work and Development of the Agency Regulating the Railway Service Market in the Republic of Macedonia  for 2010 

19. Draft-decision on Approval of the Annual Financial Plan of the Agency Regulating the Railway Service Market in the Republic of Macedonia  for 2010 

20. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan of the Public Company “Makedonska Radio Televizija” for permanent and investment activities of the radio programs for foreign countries and Europe in foreign languages for 2010 

21. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan of the Public Company “Makedonska Radio Televizija” for permanent and investment activities of the radio programs for emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in the Neighboring Countries,  Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010

22. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities on the radio program service  via satellite for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010. 

23. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities on the TV programs via satellite intended for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents, in Macedonian and in the Language spoken by minimum 20% of the citizens different than the Macedonian and of other non-majority communities for 2010

24. Draft-decision on approval of Financial Plan on regular and investment activities of second TV Program Service via satellite for the emigrants and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who live in Europe and other Continents in Albanian language for 2010.

25. Draft-decision on Approval of Financial Plan of the public company “Makedonska Radio Televizija” for regular and investment activities for broadcasting the Assembly’s activities in 2010; 

26. Report on the Work of the Agency on Civil Servants for 2009;

27. Annual Report on the Work of the State Committee on Prevention of Corruption for 2009;

28. Annual Report on the Work of the Direction on Protection of Personal data for 2009

29. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 116, Paragraph 7 from the Law on Labor Relations, submitted by Mr. Vasko Shutarov, MP 

30. Request for Authentic Interpretation of Article 17 and 17-а from the Law on Physical and Urban Planning, submitted by the Mayor of the Municipality Dolneni 
