Monday, 31 May 2010
The Committee on Financing and Budget, from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, on its 63rd Meeting held on 28 May 2010, as a competent working body reviewed the Draft-law on Premium Tax (first reading), Draft-law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the European Investment Bank Upon the Agreement on Loan on the “Water Supply and Waste Waters” Project- I reading and the Draft-strategy on Management with the Public Debt of the Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2010 to 2012.
- Mr. Nedim Ramizi elaborated the Draft-law on Premium Tax (first reading) and underlined that the aim of this law is to avoid multiple taxation. The Committee concluded that this Draft-law is acceptable and that it should proceed in further reading in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
- In the elaboration of the Law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the European Investment Bank Upon the Agreement on Loan on the “Water Supply and Waste Waters” Project- I reading - Mr. Remizi underlined that the basic goal of this project is to improve the quality of life in the rural areas.
The loan is 50 000 000 Euros and will be paid from the budget of the Republic of Macedonia , final users of these funds will be the municipalities and the municipalities in the city of Skopje, and they will receive these finances as donations.
The Committee, with 7 “for” and 3 “restrained” concluded that this Draft-law is acceptable and that it should proceed in further reading in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
- Regarding the Draft-strategy on Management with the Public Debt of the Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2010 to 2012, the Vice minister underlined that the in accordance with Article 7 from the Law on Public Debt, the Strategy on Management with Public Debt is an act which stipulated the level of the public debt, state debt and the amount of state guarantees regarding GDP and the structure of the portfolio of the total public debt, for the period of three years.
The Committee, with 7 votes “for” and 2 votes “restrained” proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt the Strategy on Management with the Public Debt of the Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2010 to 2012.