Tuesday, 24 September, 2019, Kazakhstan
Address of President Xhaferi, at the 4th Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments „Greater Eurasia: Dialogue. Trust. Partnership“
Distinguished Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Nigmatulin,
Distinguished Speakers of Parliaments,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow me to address you, as President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, and to greet you, on behalf of the Members of Parliament and on my own behalf, dear participants in this Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments. Kazakhstan is the host of the 4th Meeting, which speaks for itself and confirms that this forum, which is a product of Nazarbayev's respected strategic partnership building across the Eurasian continent, already has consolidated roots that are slowly developing into a beautiful and fertile tree that is growing bigger and bigger each year. The presence of so many Speakers of Parliaments is a confirmation that the message has been received and understood, that is, the main purpose of this forum is to establish a direct multilateral dialogue, and on the sidelines, a bilateral dialogue between the Speakers of the European and Asian legislatures, as well as among the leaders of international and inter-parliamentary organizations with the purpose of further deepening and expanding the co-operation in this area.
Distinguished guests,
If you are wondering why the legislatures, the answer is clear. Because we can discuss the development of new platforms of co-operation in a direct, open and constructive way, establish new multilateral partnerships, identify the things that concern us equally and find the most appropriate joint response to the contradictions that emerge between different states, and because of the collective tackling of the challenges that each country individually faces at the global level. However, first of all and above all, to discover and establish new, strong bridges of co-operation between the countries of the two continents and beyond, that is, an intensive economic co-operation and trade aimed at ensuring safe and sustainable development of all regions equally, because we are aware that there is uneven growth and progress among countries. And I am convinced that we all wish for prosperity and well-being for every person, every citizen of the world, regardless of their national, confessional, racial, cultural, social background or gender. Without discrimination, without isolation, without prioritization, because there are no first and second-class citizens, because universal rights and freedoms and the right to a dignified life are guaranteed to all.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We come from different countries, with different forms of state governance, with different bilateral and multilateral relations between us, namely, contractual legal frameworks which are not always reciprocally established, or are not established at all. These uneven relations also produce uneven development of regions. As legislators, it is our responsibility to find and provide ways for mutual protection of the interests of our states, and to find modes for free development of economic co-operation between our countries, free movement of people and services, for scientific, cultural, educational, medical, touristic and certainly any other co-operation between the countries. In order to enable that, it requires connectivity by road, rail, air, and other infrastructure, however, above all it requires a direct, open, gloves-free dialogue. Only with a sincere approach to our interlocutors, partners, can we build mutual support between us, and when there is dialogue, progress and success are guaranteed. Let us use this platform aimed at greater Eurasia, however, let us also aim at establishing other, greater platforms of co-operation, growth and development of countries, regions, and why not the world.
Dear colleagues,
As countries, we have so much to offer, we have so much to learn from each other, so much to share. Above all, we have enormous potential which has not yet been fully exploited. On the other hand, globalization, despite its huge advantages, also brings sophisticated threats against which only a joint, coordinated response can be successful. Therefore, let us build bridges of trust, let us establish sincere and partner relations for a better, equally developed, and above all a safe world for us, our children and all future generations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear fellow Nigmatulin, allow me extend my congratulations on the excellent organization of this meeting. I believe we will be witnesses of an interesting and fruitful discussion followed by a unanimous adoption of the Final document, that is, the Joint Declaration of the Presidents of Parliaments which will reflect the positions of the participants in the direction of further development of the Euroasian continent towards a common future.
Thank you for your attention!