Friday, 26 November 2010
At its Meeting held today the National European Integration Council discussed the Republic of Macedonia 2010 Progress Report of the European Commission.
H.E. Mr. Ferenc Kékesi, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary and the Representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Macedonia - Ms. Marina Kurte, political adviser, and Mr. Robert Liddell, Head of the department on Political and JHA issues, Information and Communication, attended the meeting.
Ms. Radmila Šekerinska, Chairperson of the National European Integration Council, MPs and Members of the Council - Ms. Flora Kadriu, Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski, Mr. Petar Pop Arsov, Mr. Tito Petkovski, Mr. Andrej Žernovski, Mr. Xhevat Ademi, as well as Mr. Vasko Naumovski, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European issues, Mr. Vlado Kambovski, Member of Council and Representative of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Mr. Dimitar Mirčev, Member of the Council and Representative of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, took part in the debate.
Following the debate, the National European Integration Council adopted the following Conclusions:
1. The National European Integration Council welcomes the reaffirmed recommendation of the European Commission for opening accession negotiations with the Republic of Macedonia and emphasises that the Recommendations from the Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2010-2011 give a strong impetus for the process of integration in the European Union, for continuation of the political and economic reforms in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as for the countries from the Region.
2. The Council considers that the assessments and comments in the Progress Report reflect the actual situation in the Republic of Macedonia regarding the results achieved in 2010 in the process of integration in the European Union, the decisions that were carried out, the implemented measures, and the adopted legislation.
3. The Council encourages the relevant authorities to analyse the remarks of the Report very seriously and critically and to address the weaknesses, especially concerning the strengthening of the administrative capacity for effective implementation of the reforms with the aim of fulfilment of the obligations from the pre-accession negotiations. In line with this, the Council suggest that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia prepare as soon as possible a plan for realization of the recommendations from the Republic of Macedonia 2010 Progress Report, pointing out the relevant authorities and deadlines (by the end of December 2010).
4. Having in mind the strategic and consensual commitment for accession in the European Union, the Council stresses the need for continuous support and cooperation in the process of integration, for increased mobilization and inclusion of the whole society, through all the relevant institutions and factors with the aim of assuming the responsibilities deriving from the pre-accession negotiations.
5. In the period preceding the meeting of the Council of the European Europe in December 2010, the Council points out the need for active involvement of the overall potential of the country focussing on receiving the date for opening the accession negotiations, as well as for efficient preparations for realization of all the activities following the receiving of the date. At the same time, the Council calls all the EU member states to support the transition to the second stage of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their member states and the Republic of Macedonia.
6. The Council points out that the maintenance of good neighbourly relations, including finding a mutually acceptable solution for the name issue under the auspices of UN, remains a key and essential issue in the next stage of the Euro-integration process. To this aim the National European Integration Council, as a body representing the general consensus for EU membership, remains available for consultations concerning the possible solution.
7. The Council underlines the need for continuation and intensification of the regional cooperation of the Republic of Macedonia, the cooperation with the EU member states which support the Republic of Macedonia on its path towards EU integration, as well as for further development of the political dialogue with the structures of the Union.
8. The Council points out that in the realization of the upcoming tasks there is a need for continuous positive promotion of the Republic of Macedonia as a future European Union member state.
9. The Council will continue to be fully engaged in the performing of its role of a forum which contributes to the continuation and development of the political dialogue and the social consensus in the European integration processes of the Republic of Macedonia.
10. The Conclusions of the National European Integration Council on the Report of the European Commission shall be forwarded to the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
11. The Conclusions shall be published on the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia web site in order to be available to the general public.
The Council also reviewed the Report on the work of the National European Integration Council for the period 25 December 2009 - 30 June 2010. Ms. Radmila Šekerinska, Chairperson of the National European Integration Council, and Mr. Aleksandar Kržalovski, representative of the Civil Platform of the Republic of Macedonia took part in the debate. The National European Integration Council adopted the following Conclusions:
1. In the following period the National European Integration Council shall continue to have a more dynamic role as an active participant in the process of finalization ff the preparations for membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU. The Council shall focus its efforts especially on development of the forms of coordinated cooperation with the relevant bodies of the state and the civil sector, broadening of the dialogue, organising public debates on the respective topics, intensification of the international cooperation in the country and abroad on issues concerning the Euro-integration, and on securing high level of transparency of its work.
2. The Council shall continue with its efforts for securing a more active role of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia in the Euro-integration processes, and it shall continue to perform actively its role of a forum which contributes to the promotion and preserving the political and social consensus in the Euro-integration processes of the Republic of Macedonia.
3. The Council recommends that the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia should amend the Decision for Establishing the National European Integration Council (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 140/2007) and the Decision for appointment of Chairperson, Deputy-Chairperson and Members of the National European Integration Council (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 106/2008, 147/2008, 76/2009, and 106/2009) so that it can enable appointment of deputies to the Members of the Council in order to continue with the execution of the delegated competences in their full capacity.