Thursday, 18 November 2010
Presentation of the results from the poll on the work of the ASSEMBLY of the Republic of Macedonia
The results from the poll on the work of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia were presented in the Assembly. This poll was in the framework of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy Project for Strengthening the Capacities of the Assembly and it was conveyed by the Institute for Democracy „Societas Civilis“. The aim of the poll is to measure the perception of the citizens for the work of the Macedonian legislative House.
The poll was conveyed as a telephone inquiry of 1105 citizens from all regions of the Republic of Macedonia, in the period from 11 to 16 November 2010.
The results of the standardized questionnaire showed that the average mark of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia is 2.4, which is a small decrease, compared to the results from the period of January 2010, when it was 2, 59. 41.6% of the citizens consider that the Assembly is partially efficient;55% of the citizens consider that the Assembly is opened for the public; 54% of the citizens consider that the control of the Assembly over the Government is low, and 33% of the citizens think that the control is adequate.
About half of the participants in the poll are informed on the work of the Assembly; most of them receive this information from the television - almost 70% and 15.1% from the internet. 53.8% of the citizens think that the media information on the most important legislative amendments from is sufficient; 13.9% of the citizens watch the Assembly TV Channel daily, 31.8 rarely and 20.2% of the citizens never watch this TV Channel.
90, 6 % of the citizens think that the MPs should take more initiatives, 53.2% had negative opinion for the work of the MPs; half of the citizens said that the MPs are not available for meetings with their constituencies and 57% said that the MPs from their election unit did not start any initiative in the Assembly for the problems in their constituency. 49.1% evaluated the work of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia as positive and 34% stated that the work of the President of the Assembly is negative.
55.5% stated that the Committees of the Assembly have more prominent role; 86.9% think that the committees should scrutiny the implementation of the laws by the ministries. 43.5% of the citizens follow the work of the Assembly committees.
This poll is part of the regular polls which measure the perception on the work of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, and it is in the framework the project for strengthening the capacities of the Assembly, implemented by the Westminster Foundation is supported by the British Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia.