
Wednesday, 17 Noveber2010, 11:20 Hall 1


First continuation of the Session from 15.10.2010 

1. The Republic of Macedonia Progress Report 2010


5.  Draft-law on Border Control- I reading

6.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Foreigners- I reading

7.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Seeding and Planting Material for Agriculture Products- I reading

8.  Draft-law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications- I reading

9. Draft-law Establishing a Faculty on ICT Science and Computer Engineering within “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” university, Skopje, I reading

10. Draft-law Amending the Law on Secondary Education- I reading

11. Draft-law Amending the Law on Primary Education- I reading

12. Draft-law on Proclamation of Part of Galicica Mountain a National park- I reading

13. Draft-law Amending the Law Establishing the Agency for Support of the Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Macedonia – I  reading

14. Draft-law Amending the Law Proclaiming the Old Skopje Bazaar a Cultural Heritage of Special Importance- I reading

15. Draft-law Amending the Law on Tax Procedure- I reading

16. Draft-law Amending the Law on Personal Income Tax- I reading

17. Draft-law Amending the Law on Organization and Work of the State Management Bodies- I reading

18. Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection from Smoking- I reading
Submitted by the MPs: Vlado Buckovski, Goran Sugareski, Vesna Bendevska, Tome Chingovski, Gjorgji Orovchanec, Mende Dinevski, Flora Kadriu, Abedin Zumberi, Sulejman Rushiti 

19. Draft-law, with amendments amending the Law on Courts- II reading

20. Draft-law Amending the Law on the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia – II reading

21. Draft-law, with Amendments, Amending the Law on Management Disputes- I reading

22. Draft-law, with amendments amending the Law on Judicial Service- II reading

23.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Cadastre of Real Estates- II reading

24.   Draft-law, with amendments, on Postal Services- II reading

25.   Draft-law, with amendments, on Financial Associations- II reading

26.   Draft-law, with amendments, amending the Law on the Fund for Insurance of Deposits- II reading

27.   Draft-law, with amendments on Providing Financial Services Abroad- II reading

28.   Draft-law, with amendments, on Audit- II reading

29.   Draft-law, with amendments on the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia- II reading

30. Draft-law, with amendments, Amending the Law on Customs Law- II reading

31. Draft-law Amending the Law on Customs Management- II reading

32.   Draft-law, with amendments, amending the law on Control of Goods and Technologies with Double Usage- II reading

33.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Trade- II reading

34. Draft-law Amending the Law on Mineral Raw Materials- II reading

35. Draft-law, with amendments, on the State Inspectorate for Local Self-Governance- II reading

36. Information on  “Skopje 2014” Projects 
Submitted by the MPs: Stank Anastasia, Andropov Mile, Vesna Bendevska, Vlado Buckovski, Slavica Grkovska, Dinevski Mende, Cvetanka Ivanova, Igor Ivanovski, Goran Minchev, Jani Makraduli, Nikolov Marjancho, Andrej Petrov, Stankovic Emilian, Sugareski Goran, Marinela Tusheva, Nikola Kurktchiev, Tome Chingovski, Radmila Sekerinska Jankovska, Stojan Andov, Flora Kadriu, Sujelman Rushiti, Sonja Mirakovska, Tito Petkovski, Misovski Goran, Gjorgi  Orovchanec

37. Midterm Program on Establishing, Preserving, Renewing, and Using of the Stock Reserves for the Period 2011- 2015 
