Thursday, 26 November 2009
Public debate of the National European Integration Council
The National European Integration Council, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, organised a public debate on the topic: Policies for Development of the Environment in the Republic of Macedonia.
Mr. Heinz Bongartz, Resident Representative of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in the Republic of Macedonia, and Mr. Nexhat Jakupi, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, opened the Debate.
Mr. Ralf Bergmann, Expert on environmental issues from Germany, conveyed the experiences from the Federal State of Sachsen-Anhalt in the area of policies and legislation regarding the environment.
Ms. Radmila Šekerinska - Chairperson of the National European Integration Council, Ms. Silvana Boneva - Deputy Chairperson of the Council, Mr. Kenan Hasipi - MP and Member of the Council, Mr. Skender Buzaku - Representative of the Islamic Religious Community and of the Council, Mr. Joti Popovski - Representative of the Ecological bureau, Mr. Duško Hristov - Representative of the Parliamentary Green Lobby Group, Mr. Saško Stojmanovski and Ms. Jadranka Arizankovska - representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, Ms. Ana Lazarevska - Representative of CIRKO - Climate Change and Energy Technologies from the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University - Skopje, Ms. Magdalena Trajkovska-Trpevska - representative of “Tehnolab”, and Ms. Evdokija Soleva from “Zoral”- Skopje took part in the debate with their discussions, comments and, suggestions.