Thursday, 24 November 2011, 14:00, Hall 3
1. Stipulation of Proposal on Election of One Member of the Public Prosecutors Council of the Republic of Macedonia that is elected by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
2. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of a Member of the Committee on Protection of the Right of Free Access to Public Information
3. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Election of Director of the Directorate on Protection of Personal Data
4. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of a Member of the State Committee on Prevention of Corruption
5. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of Chairpersons, Deputy-Chairpersons, Members and their Deputies in the Committees of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
6. Stipulation of Draft-decision Amending the Decision Establishing Parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with Parliaments from other States and Election of Chairpersons and members of the parliamentary Groups of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States
7. Stipulation of Draft-decision Amending the Decision on Appointment of Chairperson, Deputy-Chairperson, Member and Deputy Members of the National European Integration Council
8. Draft-decision on Coefficient for the Salary of the Chair, Deputy-Chair and the Members of the State Committee for Decision in Management Procedure and Labour Relations Procedure in Second Degree
9. Other issues