
Friday, 29 November 2013, 12:00, Constitutional Hall

135th meeting of the legislative committee  


1. Draft - Law Finalizing Bankruptcy Proceedings Pursuant to the Forced Settlement and Bankruptcy Liquidation and Bankruptcy Law - I reading;

2. Draft-law on Extra Judicial Settlement- I reading;

3. Draft Amendment f the Water Resource Base of the Republic of Macedonia from 1968 for the Accumulation Buchin; 

4. Draft-law Indebting AD MEPSO in the European Bank on Reconstruction and Development for the Project “Revitalization and Modernization of the Transmission Network and Management of the Electrical and Energy System” without state guarantee, shortened procedure, II reading;

5. Draft-law Amending the Law on Incomes from Mandatory Social Insurance, shortened procedure, II reading;

6. Draft-law Amending the Law on Cash Payments, shortened procedure, II reading.
