Tuesday, 25 October 2011
At its third Meeting, the National Council for European Integration discussed the European Commission 2011 Progress Report on the Republic of Macedonia. A representative from the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary to the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Marta Przenioslo, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Macedonia, and Ms. Marina Kurte, adviser on European integration and legal issues in the EU Delegation to the Republic of Macedonia, attended the meeting.
Ms. Teuta Arifi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia in charge of European affairs, expressed her views about the 2011 Progress Report of the European Commission. Ms. Arifi assessed the EC Report as positive, primarily because of the fact that the Commission repeated its recommendation for opening the accession negotiations with the EU.
Regarding the harmonization of the Macedonian legislation with that of the European Union, Ms. Arifi pointed out that the Commission welcomes the dynamics of the harmonization, especially the role of the Assembly in this process. She added that the Government is making efforts to improve the implementation of the legislation because this is in the interest of the citizens.
After extensive debate on the latest Progress Report, the National Council for European Integration adopted its new Rules of Procedure, the plan of activities for the period October 2011-October 2012, as well as Annex II on organization of public debates until the end of the current year, in line with the Opinion of the Council for the adoption of the Acquis during 2011.