
Tuesday, 12 October 2010, 10:00, Constitutional Hall

Roundtable on: “Regional Political Cooperation in Western Balkans- towards the common goal- Euro-Atlantic Integration”

The “ Conrad Adenauer” Foundation, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the Institute on Democracy „Societas Civils“ Skopje, shall organize a Roundtable meeting on Regional Political Cooperation in Western Balkans- towards the common goal- Euro-Atlantic Integration.

MPs and Ambassadors from the region shall have an oppetunity to discuss on their views on the benefits from the strengthened political cooperation in the area of security transport, infrastructure, environment, and fight against organized crime on the path of the Republic of Macedonia to the EU, as well as the Euro-Atlantic Integration of its neighbours from the Balkan. 

In the same time, this event will be an opportunity for presentation of the new political magazine “Political Thought”. 

The Roundtable is opened for the media.