Tuesday, 8 October 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow me, first and foremost to express my appreciation to to President of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr. Lazslo Kover for the organization of the 6th Conference and the hospitality we have found during this and previous Conferences.
Speaking on the topic of the first session, it is inevitable to mention and share the achievements, expectations, but also the difficulties, even disappointments that we are facing with our aspirations to become a Member of the European Union. The strategic determination in the European Integration process, similar to the countries of our immediate surroundings, is high on our agenda, since the independence of the Republic of Macedonia in 1991. The strategic determination is based on geographic, historic and civilization belonging of our state in Europe, as well as strong efforts to share the values of democracy, rule of law.
Such determinations and efforts mean strong determination of the state in direction of the implementation of the needed reforms and measures with the Acquis, realization of the activities and decisions needed for the accomplishment of the criteria for membership in EU.
All these years the Republic of Macedonia remained strongly dedicated to the achievement of the European standards and raising the competitive power of our state. But, beside the confirmation of the work done and the achievements, the Republic of Macedonia has been a candidate state for the past 8 years and receives positive Progress Reports from the European Union, as well as recommendation for opening accession negotiations in the past 4 years, without a date on opening the negotiations. Due to the conditioning from our Southern neighbor, Greece, the Council of the Union cannot achieve a consensus for adoption of the decision for opening accession negotiations with the Republic of Macedonia. The imposed name dispute from our Southern neighbor obstructs the opening of the negotiations with the Union. The Bilateral dispute, which is neither supported, nor justified in the international law, stands ultimately before the progress of the state and the step forward in the Euro Atlantic integration process.
Beside everything, beside all difficulties and absurdities on the path of the integration of the Republic of Macedonia, we are strongly committed to the efforts and determinations, firmly tending to find a solution for the imposed dispute. We actively and constructively participate in the negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, but also strive to site at the same table with the Southern neighbor in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution.
We need most rational activities, finding solutions for surpassing the difficulties, but not holding still or running away from dialogue.
It is difficult and tiring in such conditions and circumstances to maintain the support of the public for the membership in the Union, to maintain the high support of the citizens for the persistence in the European integration path. But, regardless of the circumstances, the Republic of Macedonia delivers concrete and visible results in the key areas that will improve the everyday lives of the citizens and their living standard.
The reforms are implemented to satisfy the projected criteria, which above all, are fulfilled for the benefit of the citizens; the reforms will be as beneficial as the benefits felt by the citizens. This in particular is the mote for our efforts, work and investments. As politicians we are responsible and obliged to provide progress for the state and better lives for the citizens.
In the same time, we remain optimally committed to the achievement of the fundamental reforms; we have achieved significant results in many areas, a significant step forward in the adoption and implementation of the European standards, prepared to share experiences with the sates from the Region.
The Republic of Macedonia significantly addresses the relations and the cooperation with the neighboring states, as pillars of its foreign policy. The sustaining of well established relations, the continuity in the intensification of the cooperation in the areas of mutual interest is an indicator for good intentions and the friendly relations of the Republic of Macedonia towards its neighbors. The good neighborly relations, friendship, based on the principles of respect of the territorial sovereignty and integrity of all states in the region; result in constant promotion of the relations on bilateral and multilateral areas on all levels. We have confirmed the aforementioned with the one year Chairmanship with the South East Europe Process for Cooperation. At the 20th Conference of Speakers in Ohrid, on 28 May 2013, we have adopted a joint statement for transformation of the parliamentary dimension for cooperation into a parliamentary forum. This should intensify the dialogue and cooperation in the topics of mutual interest for the South East European countries and their citizens and its activities shall be exercised through the synergy with the region and international partners.
We believe in the justification and the correctness of the joint activities in direction of facing the challenges of our states, the Region and Europe. We believe that, regardless if it is about the economic crisis, energy stability, security and constructiveness, the joint approach to the solution of the problems is the true option towards a successful creation of environment of stabile states and Region.
The joint activities, exchange of opinions, the interest and the support of what we are jointly doing and achieving for the peace, stability, solidarity and good neighborly cooperation is recognized on European level. We remain focused and engaged in the contribution for the enlargement of the Union, and striving to keep it present on the European agenda.
In the European Union, there is a relative political consensus that Europe is responsible to the region and its integration in the Union, though the needed efforts and responsibility from each state, reaching the European standards and values as a guarantee for the maturity of the European family are objective. It is significant to jointly demonstrate preparedness and awareness for the civilization benefits to be shared, surpassing prejudice, disputes and misunderstanding. This task is especially important for the Balkan states, task that provides stabile basis for building connections between different cultures, nations and religions.
Distinguished colleagues,
We are looking forward to receiving the European Commission’s 2012 Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia. Considering what we have done and achieved, I believe in the positive evaluation and recommendation for opening accession negotiations with the Union. Regardless of the outcome of the decision of the Council in December, the Republic of Macedonia will remain consistent in its determination; it will remain focused and responsible member of the international community, providing significant contribution to the regional cooperation and good neighborly relations, through understanding, trust and constructive dialogue.
The Republic of Macedonia strongly believes in the capacity of the states from the region in the achievement of the expectations and intensification of the enlargement dynamics for the benefit of the stability and prosperity of the whole region.
Thank you.