Tuesday, 8 October 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Republic of Macedonia, since its independence in 1991 has focused its strategic priorities in the area of foreign policy towards the integration in the Euro Atlantic structures. It was a clear determination for development of its own defense forces, reforms in the economic and political system, which correspond with the systems of the Western countries.
Macedonia, as young democracy, in its reform process, was faced with real problems, wars in its immediate surroundings, economic blockades, and refugee crisis. There was also a conflict which threatened to violate the sovereignty and regional stability for the Republic of Macedonia.
The desire to become part of NATO and EU became our strategic imperative and the energy that we have been creating in order to succeed and implement reforms arose from our conviction that peace and stability alone, can create secure and economically sustainable society.
The values that we jointly share with our colleagues from UN, EU, NATO, OSCE and other international organization are incorporated in our Constitution, political system and society.
20 years ago the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted a resolution for full fledged membership in NATO Pact and Macedonia did not stop there, it continued its efforts and reforms and in 1995 it became a member of “Partnership for Peace”.
The Reforms in the area of defense and security forces were intensified, and the institutions such as the Government, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the State, through their mechanisms intensively upgrade and strengthen the international position of the Republic of Macedonia.
Following the reforms in the security and defense system, the Republic of Macedonia became a country which seriously contributed to the global peace and security. Through the logistic support to NATO and KFOR in Kosovo, Macedonia had a significant role In the process of establishment of peace and stability in that period.
The Army of the Republic of Macedonia actively and seriously started to contribute in the peacekeeping missions led by NATO, USA and EU and its participation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Lebanon. The Macedonian Army became respected and strategic partner of the Member States in the international organization. The participation in operations and missions strengthen the position of the Republic of Macedonia as a partner wherever there is a need for peace, stabilization, defense of the democratic and human values around the world.
Sometimes, efforts claim victims, thus in the arrival of the successfully executed mission, part of the efforts of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the crew of the ALTEA Mission tragically lost their lives in the fall of their helicopter. The participation in the peacekeeping missions and the constant reforms can sometimes be painful but we remain dedicated since we are convinced that the peace is priceless, and that the challenges grow bigger and bigger, the world is constantly changing, global terrorist attract, cyber terrorism, organized crime are reality and part of the everyday lives.
Hence, through our mechanisms, cooperation, initiatives we should cooperate and work in the interest of the peace. I believe that these topics should not and must not recognize borders, byrocracy and obstacles. I am convicted that we all agree on this.
Macedonia has fulfilled all criteria, implemented all reforms that were applied by the criteria for membership in NATO, at the Bucharest in 2008, Macedonia, together with Albania and Croatia should have become a member of this organization, but our Southern neighbor blocked our membership due to the problem with our constitutional name.
But the Republic of Macedonia did not retreat and this decision that was not principled only strengthened its desire to continue the reforms and the upgrade itself successfully, we implement our reforms for the benefit of our state and citizens.
In such conditions the Republic of Macedonia does not need a formal document that it is a Member State of NATO. Our partners in the Organization underline the role of our state every day and see us shoulder to shoulder in the coalition peacekeeping operations. This is important to us, to be able, through our mechanisms and resources to contribute in the global security.
In practice, the Macedonian institutions, including the one that I am representing, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, participate and organize initiatives, conferences, projects and numerous meetings, constantly underline the efforts and present the strategic determinations of the Republic of Macedonia- we are and we will be a country which acts in accordance with the international law, with the UN principles. Though the pro active approach with our partners from NATO, EU, OSCE and we shall be a respected entity that will participate in the implementation and creation of the global defense policy, regional security policy and will actively contribute in the preservation of the global world peace.
In the context of the policies and the security aspects thereof, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the parliamentary diplomacy actively participated in the overall reform process and the strategic determination of the state.
Through the harmonization of the European laws, active meetings with colleagues from the world, region and the neighboring countries we have managed to impose ourselves as a state which is a factor for stability and peace exporter.
Through the integration of the European regulations in the area of security and defense, the Republic of Macedonia received high remarks on the integrated border management, received visa liberalization, received Positive progress report for 4 times from the European Commission and the recommendation for opening the accession negotiations, confirmation that we are on the right track.
There is a space for proactive reflection of the efforts in the context of the security in this part of Europe, more or less we were all taken by the wind of conflicts, wars, destructions. Let us not lose time why started something and why, since it will not bring back people and houses, but we should find a manner to integrate ourselves in a system which will guarantee peace and stability, but also economic prosperity of our state and citizens. Simply, wars and conflicts shall be part of the past, history from which we will learn how expensive peace is and how important the perspective of our citizens is. That is why we should invest our sincere efforts, since we, as politicians, must not forget that our children, heirs deserve to live in peace and development.
In the times of dynamic changes in the world, we actively cooperate so that we can prevent risks on time, which are part of this global world and threaten the stability of our states.
The Republic of Macedonia has done and will do a lot in the area of security cooperation since peace, stability and economic development are priceless, and new challenges can violate thereof.
That is why we should gather our forces and invest in the regional peace. The Republic of Macedonia welcomes all efforts for conferences, gatherings and regional initiatives when the efforts are promoted and contribute in the stability and the peace in this part of Europe.
I welcome this conference and wish to continue to build the prosperity of this region, since all citizens deserve to live in stabile, democratic and economically prosperous societies.
Thank you.