Thursday, 21 October 2010
The Committee on Financing and Budget from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia held its 81st meeting and, as competent working body, reviewed the following laws:
- Draft-law Amending the Law on the Manner and Procedure of Payment of the Deposited Currency Deposits of the Citizens on which the Republic of Macedonia is a Guarantee- II reading, and, with 7 votes for and 3 against, proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt this law.
- Draft-law Amending the Law on Administrative Taxes- II reading and, with 7 votes for and 3 against, proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt this law.
- Draft-law Amending the Law on Tax Procedure- II reading and with 7 votes for and 3 against, proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt this law
- Draft-law Amending the Law on State Audit- II reading and with 7 votes for and 3 against, proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt this law .
- Draft-law amending the Law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the European Investment Bank upon the Financial Agreement for Global Financing of Small and Medium Companies and Infrastructure Projects of the Local Self-Governance with 20 million Euros- II reading and unanimously adopted the conclusion that the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia should review and adopt this Law.
- Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Revenue Office- II reading and with 7 votes for and 3 against, proposed the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to review and adopt this law.