Friday, 1 October 2010, Brussels
creating quality and inpartial administration- response to the chalenges of the modern operation
The European Parliament organized a Parliamentary Seminar on "Reform of the Public Administration and Judiciary", in Brussels, on 29 and 30 September 2010.
Mr. Arfis Aliti, the Vice-President of the Assembly of the republic of Macedonia and Member of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, Mr. Zoran Petreski, Chairman of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ms. Sonja Mirakovska, Member of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations and Mr. Vlado Buchkovski, Member of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations.
The Seminar was dedicated on the reform of the public administration and judiciary in the Western Balkan countries (the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro and Kosovo), followed by the debate on the undertaken and implemented reforms in the public administration and judiciary, the benefits of IPA funds in the area of strengthening the capacities of the public administration and judiciary.
Also, the experience of Estonia in this area was presented to the participants.
The Session for short presentations was an opportunity for the Delegations to present their experiences and taken activities in the area of reforms in the public administration and judiciary.
Mr. Rafis Aliti addressed on behalf of the Delegation and the Assembly of the republic of Macedonia. He expressed appreciation for the organization of the Seminar and underlined that it is an opportunity for direct communication and exchange of opinions and practices which are essential for every aspirant country. He underlined that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia is continuously working on fulfilling the political criteria, among which, the reforms in the public administration, quality and impartial administration, which can face the challenges of the modern administration. He also emphasised that the Assembly and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia are constantly work on modernizing the judicial system which will guarantee the civil rights and freedoms as well as the constitutional order of the country. Mr. Aliti informed the participants on the dynamics of the implementation of these reforms, the number of adopted laws which provide independent judiciary.