Monday, 4 October 2010
The Women Parliamentarians Club had a working meeting with Ms. Alida M. Black, Professor on History and International Relations from "George Washington" University- USA.
Ms. Katerina Dimeska, the Members of the Presidency of the Women Parliamentarians Club, Ms. Slavica Grkovska Loshkova and Ms. Zumrete Jakupi, as well as Ms. Silvana Boneva, Coordinator of VMRO DPMNE, Ms. Cvetanka Ivanova, Coordinator of SDUM, Ms. Angela Ageler, Public Relations Advisor in the Embassy of USA, Ms. Renata Trajkovska Bubevska, Program-Assistant in the Embassy of USA to the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Daniela Dimitrievska, Director of the Macedonian Women Lobby, Members of the Women Parliamentarians Club, MPs and the media attended this Meeting.
Ms. Katerina Dimeska opened the meeting and informed the guests on the composition, activities and the achievements of the Club, underlining the common aim of the Club- achieving gender equality through legislative solutions, promotion of the women's rights and their active participation in the decision making process, as well as strengthening the democracy in every area of the Macedonian Society.
Ms. Alida M. Black, Professor on History and International Relations from "George Washington" University- USA in her address expressed sincere gratitude for the invitation, sharing her experience and underling that "you should continue the fight for creation of structures which will implement the laws."
Ms. Daniela Dimitrievska, Ms. Angela Ageler, Ms. Silvana Boneva, Ms. Liljana Popovska, Ms. Slavica Grkovska Loshkova and Ms. Zumrete Jakupi.
The aim of this meeting was to exchange opinions, to develop debate and establish a fruitful cooperation in the future.