Thursday, 07 October 2010
Participation on the Autumn Session of Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE
Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia participates on the Autumn Session of PA of OSCE held in Palermo Italy, from 8 to 11 October 2010. The Delegation is comprised of: Mr. Andrej Petrov (MP-SDUM), Head of the Delegation, Mr Vladimir Gjorchev (MP- VMRO-DPMNE) and Mr. Hisen Xhemaili (MP-DUI), Members of the Delegation.
In the framework of the Autumn Session of PA of OSCE, the Parliamentary Mediterranean Forum, Session of the Standing Committee and the Conference on Fight against Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption will be held. About 200 MPs from 50 Member States of OSCE will participate on these meetings.