Wednesday, 15 September 2010, 10:00, Boris Trajkovski Hall
Open debate on the topic: “Political responsibility – strengthening the links between the Assembly and the citizens”
- Dimitar Spasenoski, Institute for Parliamentary Democracy (IPD)
Introductory presentations and panelists:
- Mr. Tahir Hani, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of DUI and Chairman of the Governing Board of the Constituency Offices Project;
- Ms. Silvana Boneva, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of VMRO-DPMNE;
- Ms. Cvetanka Ivanova, Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of SDSM;
- Mr. Goran Misovski, Deputy Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group of LP-NSDP;
- Mr. Koce Trajanovski, President of ZELS and Mayor of Skopje;
- Ms. Tatjana von Steiger Weber, Head of Cooperation of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Macedonia;
- Mr. Erik Pacific, Democracy and Local Governance Office Director;
Ms. Kristina T. Petreska, Assistant in the Constituency Office in Struga.
Questions and discussion.
The debate is open for the media.