Monday, 26 September2011
meeting of the macedonianassembly delegation to PACE and the Rapporteur, Mr. Robert Walter
The Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia toPACE had a meeting with the Rapporteur of the Committee Honouringthe Obligations and Commitments by the Member State of the Council of Europe,Mr. Robert Walter.
The Head of theDelegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to PACE, Mr. AleksandarNikoloski; the Member of the Delegation, Mr. Igor Ivanovski and the DeputyMembers, Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski and Ms. Sonja Mirakovska attended themeeting.
The guest was informedon the political and economic situation in our country, the implementation ofthe Ohrid Framework Agreement, the reform processes, establishment of thegoverning coalition and the Republic of Macedonia’s handling with the economiccrisis.
The Rapporteur of the Committee Honouring the Obligations and Commitments bythe Member State of the Council of Europe Mr. Walter stated that he is visitingthe country in order to listen and witness the events after the elections. Hewas interested in the process for adoption of the laws and the scrutiny role ofthe Assembly over the Government.
His Report on the Republic of Macedonia is expected to be presented next year.
Both sides expressed appreciation for the meeting, hope that the goodcooperation will continue as well as a believe that the Republic of Macedonia willfinalize the post-monitoring dialogue with the Parliamentary Assembly of theCouncil of Europe in near future.