
Monday, 19 September 2011 , 09:30, Hall 3


1st continuation of the Meeting from 15.09.2011


1. Draft-law Amending the Law on Travel Documents of the Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia – II reading

2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Prevention of Violence and Indecent behaviour on Sport matches- II reading

3.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Notary Directorate- II reading

4. Draft-law Amending the Criminal Code- II reading

5. Draft-law Amending the Law on the Salaries of Judges- II reading

6. Draft-law Appending the Law on Protection of Personal Data- II reading

7. Draft-law Appending the Law on Associations and Foundations- II reading

8. Draft-law Appending the Law on Lobbying- II reading

9. Draft-law Appending the Law on Advocacy- II reading


11. Draft-law Amending the Law on Personal Income Tax- II reading, Archive Number 07-3068/1

12. Draft-law Amending the Law on Personal Income Tax- II reading, Archive Number 07-3365/1

13. Draft-law Amending the Law on Value Added Tax- II reading, Archive Number 07-3366-1

14. Draft-law Amending the Law on Value Added Tax- II reading, Archive Number 07-3069/1

15. Draft-law Amending the Law on Obligatory Traffic Insurance – II reading

16. Draft-law Appending the Law on Excises- II reading

17. Draft-law Amending the Law on Services without Money Transfer- II reading

18. Draft-law Amending the Law on Customs Measures for Protection of the Right of Intellectual Property- II reading

19.  Draft-law Amending the Law on Securities- II reading  

20. Draft-law Appending the Law on Audit- II reading

21. Draft-law Appending the Law on Currency Activities- II reading

22. Draft-law Amending the Law on Personal Income Tax- II reading


50. Draft-law Amending  the Law on Students’ Standard- II reading

51. Draft-law Amending the Law on Text Books for Elementary and Secondary Education- II reading


72. Draft-decision on Allocation of Funds to the Budget Users from the Central Governance and to the Funds of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2011
