Thursday, 15 September 2011, 15:30, Government Hall
5th meeting of the committee on Election and Appointment Issues
1. Stipulation of Draft-decision Amendign the Decision on Election of Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons, members and Deputy Members in the Committess of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
2. Stipulation of Draft-Decsion Establishing MP Groups in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments from Other States and Election of Heads and Members of the MP Groups from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with Parliaments from Other States
3. Stipulation of Draft-decision Appendign the Decision on Election of Head, Members and Deputy members of the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to the PA of NATO
4. Stipulation of Drfat-decsion on Dismisal of Members of the State Council for Prevention of Juvenile Violation
5. Stipulation of Opinion on the Draft-Rules Amending the Rules for Systematization of Working Positions of the Staff of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
6. Other Issues