Thursday, 22 September 2011, 10:00, Hall 4
1. Draft-law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia of the Obligations upon the Agreement on Loan for Financing the Boshkov Most Project, ratified by the European Bank for Construction and Development and AD ELEM, shortened procedure, II reading
2. Draft-law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia of the Obligations upon the Financial Agreement for Financing Small and Middle Companies and Other Priority Projects- II phase, ratified by the European Investment Bank and the Macedonian Bank for Support of the Development, shortened procedure , II reading
3. Draft-law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia in the Development Bank of the Council of Europe Upon the Framework Agreement on Loan for Partial Financing of the Project for Construction of Gym Halls in Elementary Schools and rehabilitation of Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Republic of Macedonia, shortened procedure, II reading
4. Draft-law Indebting the Republic of Macedonia with the First part of the Loan from the European Investment Bank Upon the Financial Agreement on the Construction of the Highway of Corridor X, in Demir Kapija- Smokvica Section, shortened procedure, II reading
5. Draft-law Indebting the City of Skopje in the European bank for Reconstruction and Development Upon the Agreement on Loan for “New Concepts for More Efficient Traffic result in Cleaner Skopje” Project, without state guarantee, shortened procedure