
Thursday, 24th September, 2009, 9:30-6:45 p.m., MPs’ Club

2nd International Conference on ICT Solutions for Justice

Under the auspices of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski

08:30-09:30    Arrival and registration

09:30-10:30    Introductory address and opening of the Conference

-  Introductory address by the Vice-President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Jani Makraduli

-   Address by the Minister of IT Society, Mr. Ivo Ivanovski (tbc.)

-  Introductory address on behalf of SEERC and the University in Skopje (Dr. Mirjana Polenak-Akimovska, CIPE - University in Skopje and Lord Richard Best, Chairman of the SEERC International Board)

-  “E-Parliament in the Republic of Macedonia” (presentation by a  representative of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia)

10:30-11:00    Coffee break 

11:00-11:45    Programs and Best Practices in E-justice and E-law: Review and Experience of the International Institutions and Governments (Moderator: I. Bojadzievska, Government of the Republic of Macedonia) 

- Council for Regional Cooperation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

- OLAF and ICT technologies (Mika Makela, Head of a Unit of OLAF)

- E-justice in Poland: perspectives and opportunity for financing projets connected with the penal justice system by the EU (D. Sielicki, Ministry of Justice of Poland)

-  E-file in the House of Representatives of the Netherlands (Tom Van Engers, Leibnitz Center for Law of the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

11:45-12:30    Best Practices: Short Review (Moderator: Tom Van Engers, Leibnitz Center for Law of the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

- UYAP: Project on the National Legal Network in Turkey (C. Tanrikulu, Ministry of Justice of Turkey)

- PRIS Project in Montenegro (D. Polovic, Head of ICT, Ministry of Justice of Montenegro)

-Patrol Supervision System: Experiences from Chile (R. Tartaro, Italdata Ingegneria dell’idea, Italy)

12:30-14:00    Lunch 

14:00-15:00    Projects on E-justice and E-law: Short Review and Challenges (Chair: M. Dokmanovic, University in Skopje, Macedonia)

- AGILE Project in the Netherlands (Tom Van Engers, Leibnitz Center for Law of the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

- Secure environment for cooperation of the judicial  bodies (case study: Extradition in the JWEB Project (G. Eleftherakis, City College & SEERC, Greece)

- JUMAS Project: Challenges and opportunities in the future courtrooms (S. Somaschini, JUMAS Project Coordinator, Project Automation, Italy)

15:00-16:00    Instruments for Support of the Judicial Bodies and the Citizens (Moderator: G. Eleftherakis, City College & SEERC, Greece)

- ICT, Instruments for discovering semantic relations in the legal acts (M. Draoli, CNIPA,  Italy)

- Programs for  automatic speech recognition in the courts: challenges and potential implementation in trials (D. Falavigna, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy, and Ralph Schlueter, University of Aachen, Germany)

- ICT support in litigations initiate by consumers (S. Ritchie, Middle Temple, United Kingdom) 

16:00-16:30    Coffee break

16:30-17:20    Instruments for the Support of the Judicial Bodies and the Citizens (Moderator: G.Eleftherakis, City College & SEERC, Greece)

-  Use of multimedia in Courts: Research environment and review of judicial cases (E. Fersini, University in Milano, Italy)

-  XML Standard for verdicts (M. Palmirani, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy)

-  Video processing of statements in the court (A. Briassouli, CERTH-ITI, Greece)

17:20-18:45    Interoperability, Security and Privacy of the Legal informational Systems (Moderator: G. Eleftherakis, City College & SEERC, Greece)

- European legal network on Protection of Personal Data in the Public Department, particularly in the police department (I. Acimovska-Maletic, Faculty on Security, Skopje, Macedonia)

- Privacy and memorization of information in video surveillance and video recordings in courts (Tamas Sziranyi, MTA-SZTAKI, Hungary)

- Secure communications among the court systems (M. Settembre, AMTEC, Italy)

- Connecting the cadastre registries in the e-justice system  in Macedonia: review of the perspectives (University of Tetovo, Macedonia)

- Pledge Registry of the Ministry of Justice of Poland (R. Dunal, Esaprojekt z.o.o., Poland)

18:45-18:50    Conclusions (Moderator: M. Dokmanovic, University of Skopje, Macedonia; G. Eleftherakis, City College & SEERC, Greece)

18:50  End of the Conference 
