Thursday, 3rd September 2009 2 p.m. Hall 3
1. Draft-law on Loan by the Republic of Macedonia in the Credit bank for Reconstruction on the basis of the Agreement on Loan for the “Water Supply and Sewage for the Municipalities- 1st Phase” Project (second reading)
2. Draft-law on Amending the Law on Loan by the Republic of Macedonia in the European Bank on European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , on the basis of the Agreement on the Credit for the Project on Promotion of the Civil Aircraft (second reading)
3. Draft-law on Amending the Law on Loan by the Republic of Macedonia and credit from the Reconstruction on the basis of the Agreement on Action Plan for Promotion of the Municipalities and the Living Environment in Kumanovo, veles, Strumica, Ohrid/Struga (second reading)
4. Draft-law on Amending the Law on Added Value (second reading)