Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, Mr. Hajrula Misini, in the framework of the Seminar held in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia: Open Parliament: Transparency of the Parliamentary Activities, had a meeting with the headed by Ms. Mehmet Tekeliouglu, Chair of the Committee on EU Harmonization of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
At the meetings, the interlocutors exchanged opinions and views of the two friendly countries regarding the challenges they are faced with, as Candidate States for EU Membership. They stated that they will jointly make efforts in the work and the fulfilment of the European standards and values, aiming to fulfil the Copenhagen criteria and achieving the final goal- full-fledged membership in EU.
The Chair of the Committee on EU Harmonization of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr. Tekeliouglu extended appreciation for the hospitality, confirmed the good and friendly cooperation between Macedonia and Turkey in every area, which shall continue in the future. He also underlined that in regard with the 8th Conference of the Parliamentary Committees for European Integration/ Issues of the Participant Countries of the Process of Stabilization and Association of South East Europe- COSAP, which is presided by the Republic of Macedonia, will contribute in the membership of Turkey in this regional organization.
Regarding this topic, the Chair of the Committee, Mr. Misini, underlined that this Conference held at the end of November, during our Presidency with COSAP, shall include in its agenda, the topic of membership of Turkey and Kosovo in COSAP. Mr. Misini also informed on the competences of the Committee on European Affairs in monitoring the European integration processes of the country, but also scrutinizes the Government of the Republic of Macedonia regarding the EU issues.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Tekeliouglu extended an initiation for reciprocal visit of the Delegation of the Committee on European Affairs to the Turkish Parliament during October, was a confirmation of continuous friendly relations on parliamentary level.