Standing working bodies are set up in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to consider proposals for adoption of laws, draft-laws, proposal of laws and other acts to be adopted by the Assembly, to follow the implementation of parliamentary acts, as well as to study and consider other issues within its sphere of competence. Working bodies can establish international cooperation in the areas for which they are established.
Chairpersons, their deputies and members of working bodies are elected from among the Members of Parliament of the Assembly.
The Chairperson and the members of the working body shall participate in the activities of the working body, in case when they are prevented to attend the committee session, they shall appoint their representative from among the deputy-members of the committee.
Working bodies of the AssemblyThe following standing working bodies are set up in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia:
Committee on constitutional issues
The Committee on Constitutional Issues has a Chairperson, sixteen members and their deputies.The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- implementation of the Constitution;
- proposals for amending the Constitution;
- principal constitutional issues concerning the adoption and enforcement of laws and other regulations and acts;
- establishment of international cooperation on constitutional issues and
- other constitutional issues.
The Legislative Committee has a Chairperson, fourteen members and their deputies.The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- alignment of laws and other acts with the Constitution and the legal system, as well as their legal and technical drafting;
- requests for authentic interpretation and preparation of proposals for authentic interpretation of laws;
- determination of the final text of the laws and other acts, if authorized by law or other act;
- corrigenda to published texts of laws or other acts, on the basis of the authentic text of the adopted law or other act of the Assembly and corrigenda to final text of the laws and other acts,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to legislative activity and legal systems and
- other issues referring to the legislative activity and the building of the legal system in the country.
The Committee on Defence and Security has a Chairperson, twelve members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- protection of the order stipulated by the Constitution;
- performing control in the filed of defence and security;
- defence of the country and civil defence;
- cooperation with the collective defence and security systems to which the country has acceded;
- integration of the country in the Euro-Atlantic organizations and the relations of the country with these organizations;
- protection of the life, personal security and property of the citizens guaranteed with the Constitution;
- production, sale, purchase, possession and carrying of weapons, parts of weapons and ammunition;
- protection of persons and property;
- citizenship;
- maintenance of the public order and peace;
- public gatherings and performances;
- security of road, air, railway and lake transport;
- protection against natural disasters and epidemic diseases;
- registration and deregistration of domicile and residence;
- border crossing and movement and stay along the borderlines;
- movement and stay of foreigners;- identification and resolution of border incidents and other violations of the state borders,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to defence and internal policy and
- other issues concerning the internal policy and defence.
The Committee on Political System and Relations Among the Communities has a Chairperson, fourteen members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- functioning of the political system;
- changes of the borders of the Republic;
- state symbols and their use;
- judiciary, bar, and public prosecutor’s office;
- amnesty and granting a pardon;
- freedom of movement and freedom of choosing a place of residence;
- register books and protection of personal data;
- personal names, identity cards and travelling documents;
- census;
- public information system;
- the right of citizens to associate and establish political organizations,
- voting right and method of election of members of Parliament, President of the Republic of Macedonia, members of the councils and mayors;
- referendum;
- ombudsman;
- Macedonian Orthodox Church, as well as the Islamic Religious Community in Macedonia, the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Methodist Church of Macedonia, the Jewish Community and other religious communities and groups;
- awarding decorations, acknowledgements and rewards;
- holidays in the Republic of Macedonia;
- organization of the state administration;
- right of use of languages and alphabets of the communities;
- guaranteeing of protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of the communities,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to the political system and interethnic relations and
- other questions from the domain of the political system and the relations among the communities.
The Foreign Policy Committee has a Chairperson, twelve members and their deputies.
The Committee reviews questions regarding the:
- foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia and its relations with other states and international organizations;
- policy which provides care for the situation and the rights of the Macedonian population in the neighbouring countries and for the Macedonian expatriates, as well as for the cultural, economic and social rights of its citizens abroad;
- joining or resigning from alliances or communities with other states;
- joining or resigning from membership in international organizations;
- need for starting negotiations for reaching bilateral and multilateral international agreements of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e. for platforms of these negotiations;
- ratification of international agreements;
- international regulation concerning human and civil rights and freedoms and documents of the international organizations and associations;
- establishment of parliamentary cooperation of the State with other states and international organizations;
- establishment of cooperation with the respective foreign policy committees of the parliaments of other states;
- initiatives and proposals for defining the foreign policy strategy of the Republic of Macedonia and
- other questions regarding the foreign policy of the Republic of Macedonia.
The Committee on European Affairs has a Chairperson, fourteen members and their deputies.
The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- following of the implementation of the National Strategy for Integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union and regularly reports to the Assembly thereon;
- following and meeting of obligations that derive from the Agreements between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Union and implementation of programs and other acts of European Union institutions, including financial assistance programs;
- following and facilitation of the harmonization process of the legislation of the Republic of Macedonia with that of the European Union, proposes measures for promotion of harmonization procedures, gives opinions and proposals for the activities of the working bodies in the Assembly and focuses their attention on issues related to the accession of the Republic of Macedonia into the European Union;
- following of activities of the Government and state administration organs focused towards gaining full membership of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union; gives opinions and recommendations related to them;
- analysis of the consequences from the accession of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union and preparation of reports in that regard;
- regular reports to the Assembly on all issues related to the European integration, including by collection of data, literature and other documents concerning the European Union;
- proposing and realizing activities focused towards information for the public on European integration processes;
- cooperation with correspondent committees of other countries and
- other issues related to the European integration and the accession of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union.
The Committee on Elections and Appointment Issues has a Chairperson, twelve members and their deputies.The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- submitting proposals for election and appointment, i.e. dismissal of officials who are elected, respectively, appointed by the Assembly, if a law, the Rules of Procedure or another act stipulated that the Commission should submit such proposals;
- submitting proposals for election and appointment, i.e. dismissal of officials who are elected, respectively, appointed by the Assembly, if the Constitution, a law, the Rules of Procedure or another act of the Assembly do not stipulate that another body should submit such proposals;
- submitting proposals for the composition of the standing and ad hoc working bodies of the Assembly;
- submitting proposals for the composition of the permanent delegations of the Assembly in the international parliamentary assemblies and of the parliamentary groups for cooperation with other parliaments;
- proposals for members of the governing organs and other bodies of public enterprises, organizations and institutions who are elected or appointed by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia if the Constitution, a law or another act do not stipulate that another body should submit such proposals;
- proposals for the composition of boards and other bodies of the Assembly for organization and celebration of certain important historical and other events of significance for the Republic and other events which should be observed, as well as for presenting national awards;
- considers proposals of the regulation on salaries and other incomes of the members of the Assembly and officials who are elected or appointed by the Assembly, as well as members of the Assembly and officials whose term of office has expired and within the framework of its legal competences adopts regulations for their implementation;
- adopts acts within the competence of the Assembly;
- adopts specific decisions for salaries and other incomes of the MPs and officials elected or appointed by the Assembly;
- adopts an act under which 5% shall be withdrawn from the salary for each day of absence to a Member of Parliament who has been absent from the Assembly sessions or the meetings of the working body at least three times, and has failed to inform thereof the President of the Assembly or the Chairperson of the working body;
- decides on the amount of expense redress for the members of scientific and expert institutions and associations for their participation in the working bodies;
- decides upon the amount of the daily allowances, separate-living expenses, holiday allowances, moving and other expenses;
- issues corrigenda for the acts adopted and published by the Committee in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to election and appointment
- other issues related to election and appointment
The Committee has a Chairperson, fourteen members and their deputies.
The Committee considers issues regarding:
- general questions, proposals and opinions regarding the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, laws and other regulations and acts of significance for the realization and protection of civil freedoms and rights;
- points to the need of adoption of laws, regulations and acts with a view to a more comprehensive protection of civil freedoms and rights;
- follows, reviews and analyses the implementation of the ratified international acts which regulate protection of civil freedoms and rights;
- reviews communications from citizens and takes a position upon them;
- cooperates with scientific and professional organizations in the filed of protection of civil freedoms and rights;
- cooperates with relevant foreign and international bodies in the filed of the protection of the civil freedoms and rights and
- other issues related to the protection of civil freedoms and rights. The Committee cannot exercise investigative and other judicial functions.
- The Committee’s findings are the basis for starting a procedure for accountability of public office-holders.
The Committee has a Chairperson, eight members and their deputies.The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- respect of the rights and freedoms of citizens and other legal entities, stipulated by Constitution and Law, by the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency;
- respecting the Law in exercising the authority of the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency in terms of encroaching their authority, unauthorized activities, abuse and other adverse trends in its work contrary to their rights stipulated by law;
- methods and means used by the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency in terms of respecting the Law and respect of civil and the rights of other subjects;
- financial, personnel and technical facilities of the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to such supervision and
- other issues regarding the National Security Agency and the Intelligence Agency.
The Committee has a Chair, four members and four Deputy Members.
The Committee reviews issues in regard with:
- Oversight of the implementation of measures for interception of communication;
- Consideration of the lawfulness of the implementation of measures for interception of communications carried out by authorized bodies (OTA);
- Consideration of the effectiveness of the implementation of the special investigative measures;
- Produces annual reports on the oversight;
- Establishing international cooperation on issues related to such oversight;
- Other issues concerning the authorized bodies (OTA) related to the implementation of measures for interception of communication.
The Committee submits annual report to the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia no later than the end of February after the reporting year.
The Finance and Budget Committee has a Chairperson, 14 members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- system of finance;
- budget of the Republic;
- taxes, duties, contributions and other public duties of the citizens and legal entities;
- customs system;
- monetary and credit, banking and exchange system;
- system of payment and auditing;
- loans and credits;
- public loans;
- insurance system;
- property and other property rights relations;
- commodity stocks;
- games of chance,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to finances and budget
- other questions regarding the financing.
The Committee on Economy has a Chairperson, ten members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- production and trade; - mineral raw material and energy;
- catering, tourism and craftsmanship activities;
- foreign economic relations;
- foreign investments;
- ownership transformation;
- antitrust measures and monopolistic behaviour on the market;
- consumer protection;
- public enterprises;
- concessions;
- statistics,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to the economy system
- other questions concerning the economy system.
The Committee has a Chairperson, ten members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- agricultural land, pastures and other natural resources and forces;
- redistribution of estates, land consolidation and land reclamation;
- cattle breeding, farming, orchards and vineyards;
- hunting and fishing;
- fauna and flora;
- veterinary care and plants protection;
- land measurement and cadastre;
- water resources management and improvement of the water resources regime;
- hydro-melioration systems and hydro-meteorological activities,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management and
- other questions regarding agriculture, forestry and water resources management.
The Committee has a Chairperson, ten members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- traffic on land, railroad, rivers, lakes, air traffic, postal-telegraphic, telephone and radio communications;
- cable railways and ski lifts;
- systems of telecommunications and the broadcasting system;
- construction of investment facilities in the filed of transport nad telecommunications;
- spatial and urban planning;
- landscaping of construction sites;
- housing and utilities management;
- promotion and protection against pollution of the environment, nature, air, soil and water;
- ensuring conditions for healthy environment;
- prevention of harmful noise;
- protection against ionising radiation and other adverse effects on people’s health and lives and special security measures in a case of use of nuclear energy;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to transport, communication, urban planning and the environment, and
- other issues concerning transport, communication, urban planning and the environment.
The Committee has a Chairperson, fourteen members and their deputies.
The Committee considers question regarding the:
- system and organization of preschool care and education, elementary, secondary and higher education;
- right to attend classes in the languages of the communities in the filed of education;
- system and organization of scientific and research activity;
- creation, application and assessment of innovations, patents and other inventive activities resulting from scientific, artistic and other intellectual activity;
- computer sciences, scientific and technological development and technical culture;
- organization, development and functioning of the information system of the Republic;
- education of young people, the school and student standard;
- promotion of intellectual, cultural and scientific creative work of young people;
- education and preventive protection of young people against deceases that cause addiction and AIDS;
- promotion and development of physical education;
- development of professional sport;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues referring to education, science, youth and sport and
- other questions regarding education, science, youth and sport.
The Committee on Culture has a Chairperson, ten members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- organization, development and promotion of culture;
- protection of the natural and cultural heritage in the Republic of Macedonia;
- enrichment of the historic and artistic creation;
- promotion and protection of exceptional cultural values;
- promotion and protection of authorship and copyrights;
- donations and sponsorships;
- activities for protection and use of movable and unmovable cultural treasure;
- publication and library activities;
- monument marking activities and protection of cultural monuments;
- use and protection of the Macedonian language;
- information, cultural and other activities aimed at the expression of the identity and characteristics of the communities;
- decisions on marking anniversaries of events and persons of special importance for the national and legal development of the Republic, promotion of the historical and cultural heritage, and promotion of the general civilization values;
- manner and forms of celebrating and honouring certain events and persons;
- activities of special committees established on the occasion of certain anniversaries;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues concerning culture and,
- other issues regarding culture and commemoration of important events and persons.
The Committee has a Chairperson, ten members and their deputies.
The Committee considers questions regarding the:
- health care of the population;
- health insurance;
- protection of the population against infectious diseases, harmful effects of gases, ionising radiation and noise, air, water, soil and nutriment pollution;
- protection form deseases of adiction and AIDS;
- hygiene and epidemiological situation;
- production, trade and supply with medicines, accessory medicines and medical helping devices, medical equipment, sanitation devices and materials, poisons and narcotics;
- sanitation and health care monitoring,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues regarding health care and
- other questions regarding health care.
The Committee on Labour and Social Policy has a Chairperson, twelve members and their deputies.
The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- labour relations and protection of workers at work;
- right to strike;
- employment and rights in case of unemployment;
- protection of women at work and protection of maternity;
- salaries and living standard;
- social policy and social security of the citizens;
- system, organization, development and promotion of social security and protection of children;
- population policy, marriage and family;
- system of pensions and disabled people insurance;
- war veterans security and protection of disabled war veterans and persons persecuted and detained for their ideas for independence of the Macedonian people and their state;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues regarding labour and social policy
- other questions regarding labour and social policy.
The Committee has a Chairperson, twelve members and their deputies.The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- local self-government;
- territorial organization of the local self-government in the Republic of Macedonia;
- monitoring of the development and the measures for promotion of the local self-government;
- monitoring of the situation with the territorial organization and the standards for size, population, and the needs of the local self-government;
- monitoring of the system, policies, measures and instruments for achieving more balanced regional development;
- establishment of international cooperation on issues regarding local self - government, and
- monitoring of the implementation and the utilization of the means for achieving more balanced regional development.
The Committee has a Chairperson, ten Members and their Deputies.
The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- law proposals and other regulations adopted by the Assembly in the field of labour and social policy, education and health care, family and child care, as well as other proposals and regulations, from the aspect of inclusion of gender concept therein;
- the Draft-National Action Plan for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men;
- monitoring, of the adoption and the implementation of the basic and special measures for establishment of equal opportunities of women and men in all fields of the public and private sector through reports submitted from the Unit for promotion of gender equality in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;
- monitoring, of the system of measures for elimination of unequal treatment of women and men, through reports submitted from the Unit for promotion of gender equality in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;
- initiatives for adoption and amendments to laws and other regulations in the field of equal opportunities of women and men;
- promotion of cooperation among the relevant institutions on questions regarding equal opportunities of women and men;
- submission of regular information to the Assembly for all issues related to equal opportunities of women and men;
- cooperation with relevant committees of other countries and
- other issues related to equal opportunities of women and men.
The Committee has a Chairperson, eight members and their deputies.
The Committee considers issues regarding the:
- implementation of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and the rules of procedure of the working bodies, and gives opinions on solutions to disputable questions;
- initiatives for amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and the rules of procedure of the working bodies;
- gives initiatives for amendments and alterations to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly;
- reports of the State Election Commission on election of Members of Parliament from the lists of candidate and for the rest of their mandate;
- basis for termination or detraction of MPs mandate and submission of report to the Assembly;
- immunity of the Members of Parliament;,
- establishment of international cooperation on issues which are of a procedural nature and refer to mandatory - immunity rights, and
- other issues regarding the Rules of Procedure and mandatory and immunity rights.