Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia  

    Previous Meetings 
    Joint Statement

 Joint Statement from the 8-th Interparliamentary Meeting between the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the European Parliament and the Delegation from the European Parliament for Cooperation with the countries of Sout-East Europe, adopted on 28 January 2003, in Skopje 

 document   03.02.2003 


 Joint Statement
  Joint Statement from the 9-th Interparliamentary Meeting between the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the European Parliament and the Delegation from the European Parliament for Cooperation with the countries of Sout-East Europe, adopted on 21 January 2004, in Brussels 
   document   30.01.2004 




Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia    

    1st Meeting  

  Final Statement from the 1st JPC EU- Republic of Macedonia Meeting, adopted 31 March 2005, in Skopje 

  document   04.04.2005



  Minutes from  the 1st JPC EU-Republic of Macedonia Meeting, held on 30 and 31 March 2005, in Skopje 

  document   20.04.2005 




Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia       

    2nd Meeting  

 Final Statement from the 2nd JPC EU- Republic of Macedonia Meeting, adopted unanimously on 6 December 2005, in Brussels  

document   26.01.2007 



 Minutes from the 2nd JPC EU-Republic of Macedonia Meeting, held on 5 and 6 December 2005, in Brussels 

 document   27.01.2007 



Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia   
    3rd Meeting  

  Programme for the 3rd JPC EU-Republic of Macedonia Meeting, 29-30.01.2007, Skopje 

 document   28.03.2007 


Speech by Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski 

 Introductory speech by the MP Aleksandar Spasenovski, co-chairman of the JPC RM- EU, “The Internal political situation in the Republic of Macedonia, after the general elections in 2006” 

  document   28.03.2007


 Speech by Mrs. Vladanka Avirovic 

 Introductory speech by the MP Vladanka Avirovic, member of the JPC RM- EU, “The process of economic reforms for meeting the economic criteria for membership in the European Union” 

document   28.03.2007 


Speech by Mrs. Flora Kadriu 

Introductory speech by the MP Flora Kadriu, deputy-member of the JPC RM- EU, “The reform process in the field of Judiciary, Internal Affairs and State Administration” 

document   28.03.2007 


  Speech by Mr. Igor Ivanovski 

 Introductory speech by the MP Igor Ivanovski, member of the JPC RM-EU, “Regional cooperation after the signing of the Central Europe Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA 2006), as a transformation of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe” 

document   28.03.2007 

Speech by Mrs. Silvana Boneva 

 Introductory speech by the MP Silvana Boneva, member of the JPC RM-EU, “Facilitation of the visa regime as a first step to its full liberalization “  

document   28.03.2007 



from the 3rd JPC Meeting, adopted unanimously, on 30 January 2007 

document   29.03.2007 



 Minutes from the 3rd JPC RM-EU Meeting, held on 29 and 30 January 2007, in Skopje 

 document   15.04.2007



Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia 
    4th Meeting  

 Programme of the 4th EU- Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee Meeting, on 26-27 November 2007, in Brussels 

document   20.11.2007 



Agenda of the 4th EU- Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee Meeting, on 26-27 November 2007, in Brussels 

document   23.11.2007 


 Introductory address by Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski 

  Introductory speech by the MP Aleksandar Spasenovski, Co-Chair of the JPC RM- EU, delivered on 26.11.2007 in Brussels 

 document   26.11.2007 


 Speech by Mr. Aleskandar Spasenovski 

 Speech by the MP Aleksandar Spasenovski, Co-Chair of the JPC RM- EU, “Political developments in the Republic of Macedonia, the region and in Europe, in the context of the goal of the Republic of Macedonia for membership in the EU” 

document   27.11.2007 


Speech by Mrs. Silvana Boneva 

Speech by the MP Silvana Boneva, member of JPC RM -EU, "The process of economic reofrms for fullfilment of the European criteria for EU membership" 

 document   28.11.2007 


  Speech by Mrs. Vladanka Avirovic 

Speech by the MP Vladanka Avirovic, member of the JPC RM-EU, "Facilitation of the visa regime, as a first step towards its full liberalization" 

 document   29.11.2007 


Speech by Mrs. Elmaze Selmani 

  Speech by the MP Elmaze Selmani, member of JPC RM-EU, "The process of reforms in the field of judiciary, internal affairs and public administration" 

document   30.11.2007 


 Speech by Mr. Igor Ivanovski 

Speech by the MP Igor Ivanovski, member of the JPC RM-EU, “The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA” 

document   01.12.2007 


from the 4-th JPC EU-RM Meeting, adopted unanimously, with two abstentions, on 27 December 2007  

 document   02.12.2007 




Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia


of the 5th JPC EU-RM Meeting, held on 27 and 28 November 2008 in Skopje 

document   27.12.2008 



 of the 5th JPC EU-RM Meeting, held on 27 and 28 November 2008 in Skopje 

 document   27.12.2008 


Introductory address by Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski 

  co-chair of the Joint Parliamentary Committee Republic of Macedonia and the European Union 

 document   27.12.2008 

Address by Mrs. Slavica Grkovska Loskova

vice co-chair of the JPC RM-EU on "The liberalization of the visa regime for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia" 

document   27.12.2008 


Address by Mrs. Liljana Popovskka 

member of the JPC RM-EU on " The Environmental issues in the regional cooperation relevant for the accession process" 

 document   29.12.2008 


Address by Mr. Emiijan Stankovic 

member of the JPC RM-EU on "Transport and infrastructure" 

 document   29.12.2008 


 Address by Mr. Blerim Bexheti 

 vice co-chair of the JPC RM-EU on "Developments in the penitentiary system" 

document   29.12.2008 


  Address by Mrs. Silvana Boneva 

  member of the JPC RM-EU on "The EU assistance to the Republic of Macedonia with a particular view to the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)" 

 document   29.12.2008 


Address by Mr. Aleksandar Spasenovski 

co-chair of the JPC RM-EU on "9. The TAIEX Instrument (major programmes and achievements) and the strengthening of the institutional cooperation between the two parliaments in order to improve the parliamentary work" 

document   29.12.2008 



 from the 5th EU - Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Meeting held on 27-28 November 2008 in Skopje 

 document   29.12.2008 



Joint Parliamentary Committee EU - Republic of Macedonia  
    Other Activities  

 on the meeting of Mr. Spasenovski with Ambassador Fouere 

 document   17.09.2008



